On Saturday, Joanne and I attended a powerful play. The play was written and directed by a Calvin College professor. It had a script that was taken entirely from Scripture and interviews with over 100 western Michigan area Christians. These believers told stories of hate, discrimination, and violence directed at them with all-too-few- rays of compassion and love. Most often, the attackers of these Christians were professed Christians themselves. There was a passion to these stories – and a clear love of Christ – that created a sense of sadness in me for the Body of Christ. The author has done a great service for The Christian Church.
Our watching world has to be amused or mystified or both at the divisive infighting of Christians from a faith that says it believes in love and grace. Is it any wonder that many want nothing to do with this “good news”? The audience felt the pain, hurt, and sometimes anger of some of the most loving and caring followers of Jesus. I pray that someday soon these Christians will find the peace with others that they already have with their Savior.
The play is called Seven Passages based on the 0.03% of the Bible used to condemn these Christians. The interviewed Christians were gays or lesbians.