Thursday, September 27, 2007

Bush and Jesus

Now that hate crimes legislation protecting LGBT people from violent acts has passed both houses of congress, President Bush has a dilemma. He says he will veto the hate crimes law (Matt Shepherd’s Law) but it is attached to a defense appropriation bill. To try to veto this important and necessary protection would, in effect, be saying that hate crimes against Americans that comes from foreign soil (religious terrorists) must be battled, but that hate crimes against Americans from Americans (bigots and religious terrorists) is okay.

I hope the President finally awakens to the fact that pandering to the lies, misrepresentations, and scare tactics of the religious right is neither in his best interest nor the country’s. He doesn’t need to ask “What would Jesus do?” because he has a more certain answer in asking “What DID Jesus do?” That answer is simple. Jesus befriended and sought to protect the oppressed of his day from the attacks of the religious right. Once that was done, as a friend he said to some, “Go and sin no more.” But to others, he simply said nothing but just loved them as God had made them. What a radical concept!

1 comment:

genevieve said...

This is an interesting time indeed.
